on Balitang America

This past Saturday, folks from TFC’s (The Filipino Channel) Balitang America came to Sharks Ice at Fremont to do a story about Nikko. BIG THANKS to Azenith Smith and Joe the camera guy for taking time out to do this story. For more information on Balitang America, check them out on abs-cbn or TFC.

I’m sure Nikko is sick and tired of all the interviews I’ve put him through in the past week (two to be exact). He says he doesn’t like interviews where he has to answer more than one question. This is because currently, Nikko’s answers consist of “Good.” As in:

Interviewer: So Theo, how does it feel to win so many championships?
Nikko: Good.
Interviewer: How would you describe your style of play?
Nikko: Good.
Interviewer: So, what do you think of global warming?
Nikko: Good.

You get the picture. I told him that although he may hate me now, he’ll appreciate my efforts to getting him some much-deserved publicity. (Err. Umm… I hope he appreciates this when he gets older.) Anyway… here are some photos from Saturday.

This is Norbert getting interviewed in front of Sharks Ice at Fremont.

Mark: Whoa! You have an “M” on your palm Theo! It looks just like mine!
Nikko: Good.
Roy: Dude. Mark, you’re not the only one in the world with an “M” on your palm.
Nikko: Good.

Nikko in front of the camera. He looks petrified, doesn’t he?

Joe the camera guy and reporter Azenith Smith hard at work.

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