scenes from Brendan’s camera

So lately I’ve been totally jazzed because my nephew/godson Brendan has totally taken a liking to the camera – both in front of and behind it. Today I developed a roll that included photos he took and posed for. I hope you all get a kick out of it. I know I have!

Lola… according to Brendan

As you can see, Brendan incorporates both sponteneity and an element of surprise with his subjects.

Auntie Joy… according to Brendan

Brendan gave me various directions such as, “Do a silly face… no not like that. Do another one. Yeah. That one is good. now hold it!

For this last pose, we were at a loss as to what to do. Finally, Brendan said, “Do homey, Auntie Joy. Like this!” (Brendan then proceeds to do his personal rendition of a “homey” pose; I soon follow.)

Brendan… according to Brendan
Although I took these photos, I have absolutely NOTHING to do with these various poses. They’re listed according to the order they were taken. I would caption these but… anything I write would be completely useless. As they say, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”

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