the beauty of agony

I can’t think of a better photo that illustrates this post. Martha’s cousin Bradley Stewart (as I affectionately call him) is one of my martial arts heroes. Even he gets his ass kicked in CrossFit.

So after two weeks I finally started going to the studio again. I knew it would be hard and that my body would be sore, but I figured I had to do it because it’s good for me… so I did.

My ass is still sore from yesterday’s workout. I had to stop for a while and then slow down a bit because I could feel some cramping coming on. Right around my thuttocks (you know, that area right below the butt and right where the upper thighs begin) I started to feel a little strain. So I went to the side to stretch and then continued. I swear… I hate burpees – or anything related to burpees – including sprawls. UGH!

But the beauty of CrossFit or being part of the Breakfast Club is that even when you’re in last place, your fellow Clubbers totally cheer you on because we all share the same CrossFit misery. It’s that misery that totally humbles you. How does the saying go? Misery is great with company? A BIG THANKS to the Breakfast Club for making my welcome so do-able.

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