get fitted

If talking about women’s breasts bothers you, I recommend that you skip reading this entry. As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a big believer in breast health. Boobs are no laughing matter. So ladies, do go to your annual appointments. Do have a healthcare specialist examine your boobs. Do engage in monthly self-examinations. In short, do the things you need to do to ensure good breast health. I don’t care if you’re a AAA cup or a DDD cup. Take care of your boobs.

Lately I’ve been feeling out of my body. Like things don’t feel right or fit right. I’m sure it has to do with needing some new support gear. Every year I go for a bra fitting. I heard somewhere that you should do this because our bodies are constantly changing. For me, the best place to get fitted for a bra is Nordstrom. They definitely know what they’re doing! Note: The key to a good fitting is don’t be shy. Yes, a stranger may end up seeing your boobs. But they’re professionals. There’s nothing you have that they haven’t seen already!

After years of wearing the same bra size, I discovered that I had to switch gears. (I’ll spare details. But this is more tragic than I care to admit.) I must say that the right bra makes a difference. You don’t have to go pricey, you just have to find ones that fit. For the past few months I’ve been feeling like I’ve been having back problems and during the fitting, I realized it was my bra! On average, depending on how much you use them and how busty you are, it’s best to replace your bras every six to twelve months. Also, it’s good to have three to four bras on hand to rotate. That way, you don’t have to switch them so often. I also learned that it’s best to hand wash your bras and lay them flat when storing so that the wires don’t go crazy.

So there you have it. For more info on bras, see below. Enjoy!

The Breast Chronicles
Breast Advice
Buying the Right Bra
Are You Wearing the Right Sports Bra?

Row 500 meters
Prep for WOD

CrossFit One World WOD: Michael
Complete three rounds for time of:
800m run
50 back extensions (as per the board, not the site)
50 sit-ups Abmat

Joanne’s Final Time – 39:25

Notes (to myself) about this workout: The first time I did this WOD I did it in over 45 minutes. Today, I shaved off two seconds from my previous performance. Note: my fastest on this is a little under 39 minutes. Today was tough. Running at night sucks. My body is sore and I’m upset with all the overhead work we have to do tomorrow. Bleh.

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