pinchers and archers party at Zebulon

Last night was the big b-day bash for the November and December babies at Zebulon. Although I arrived late, I had a total blast! Here are pix from the event. Much thanks to Rex, Alex and Herb for organizing this fantastic gathering of folks. Also, much appreciation goes to the people at Zebulon for letting us use the place and for doing a great job at keeping guests hydrated. Finally, thanks to all the people that showed up. Hope you had a wonderful time. Enjoy the photos! (Note: I do have more pix and if you’d like me to send them off to you, please let me know.)

the family My family was nice enough to show love in the city. I’m here with my cousin Ferdie, cousin-in-law Andy, my cousin Liezel (I grew up on Guam with Ferdie and Liezel), my sister Tina (whose face is covered), and my niece Sonia Ann. Missing from the photo are my brother Gerry and his girlfriend Faye.

the housemates With Ana (my dear friend from high school and former college roomie. yes, she has stories… but so do I) and Jen (my current housemate).

the Runbu-divas Well, at least a few of us: with Kimmy, Alex, and Tina talking about DRA-MA over a sip (more like a gallon) of haterade and laughter.

the cake No birthday party would be complete without a cake for the twelve celebrants and a hundred or so of their guests.

the wish Twelve people blowing on one cake while a folks watch… interesting:)

the post-cake affair With Rex and Tina after wiping Ryan’s cake off our faces. Who’s random hand is that? (Note: You all missed the icing cleaning at the DJ stand – Herb, Alex, you two know what I’m talking about! Not so much sexy as it was funny!)

the crowd clears And congregates outside to coordinate rides to Lucky Chances for Filipino breakfast. Rod, Tina, Herb, Arlene and I take advantage to the now emptied room for this photo.

the loving couple I miss these two! Ladies and Gentlemen, the beautiful and fabulous Rod and Arlene.

2 thoughts on “pinchers and archers party at Zebulon

  1. yes, firece runner. . . copies of photos would be great. may i please have some of the incriminating evidence of debauchery and mayhem? –divarunbucoach ahem

  2. yes, fierce runner. . . copies of photos would be great. may i please have some of the incriminating evidence of debauchery and mayhem? –divarunbucoach ahem (who knows how to spell before the publish button is clicked).

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